Bulking Sarms

SARMs for Bulking: What Should I Know?

There are different types of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) on the market. While some are designed for endurance, some are primarily meant for fat loss, and others are best used to gain muscle mass and size. 

It’s a well-known fact that muscles get stronger and larger with more exercise. Over a period of time, you can expect to have improved body strength and muscle mass with regular workouts, good sleep, and a well-balanced diet plan. Of course, there will always be people who find it extremely easy to gain muscles and retain them for longer. Similarly, there will also be those who find it comparatively difficult and even lose them more quickly - especially if changes are made to their diet plan or workout strategies. 

However, there will come times where progress will slow, and you will be unable to lift weights or grow bigger beyond a specific threshold. Of course this varies from person to person. Body weight, lifestyle, gender, age, exercise, diet, and genetics can all play important roles in a person’s ability to bulk. It’s only natural that the best SARMs for bulking for somebody else may not be the same for you. 

While your body’s natural limits exist for a reason, SARMs (within legal and medical compliance) can be used to redefine workout performance and physical appearance in dramatic ways, irrespective of genetics. 

Read on to find a list of the Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators most commonly used to grow muscle size and increase strength capabilities. Before considering whether they might be for you, be sure to be well-informed on the risks, benefits, and side effects, as well as the guidelines in your country. 


Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine, popularly known as MK-2866, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator best known for being extremely anabolic. This means it is a powerful option for athletes and bodybuilders who are looking to achieve lean muscle gains.

One of the most underestimated characteristics of Ostarine is its ability to slightly raise the level of estrogen within the body. This can prove to be an advantageous trait, as a slight elevation can benefit a healthy response in tendons, bones, and ligaments. This is exactly the reason why MK-2866 is sometimes prescribed to patients with deteriorating bone mineral complications like osteoporosis, and to treat symptoms of muscle wasting. 

Users can expect to gain up to 15lbs of lean muscle, without any water retention, by using Ostarine for a period of 8 to 12 weeks. Many bodybuilding users prefer “front loading”, by making use of 50% of the recommended dosage of Ostarine for the first week, and then gradually increasing it over a period of time. Doing this allows the androgen receptors to respond more positively to the substance, without experiencing the full negative effects of the influx of a new compound in the body. 


What’s more, the use of Ostarine is associated with dramatic increases in natural androgenic activity in muscle and bone tissue. In a clinical trial, a healthy group of 120 elderly individuals were given 3mg of MK-2866 every day for a period of 12 weeks. 

By the end of the trial, the participants reported greater lean muscle mass and an improvement in general fitness level. The group receiving Ostarine gained an average of 1.3kg (2.8lbs) lean body mass each. The best thing was that they also lost 0.6kg (0.3lbs) body fat. 

Moreover, no steroid-like effects were observed in the individuals. This is a 2-in-1 bonus for those looking to “shred” - lose body fat while increasing muscle mass. However, it is always important to remember that long-term effects of SARMs like Ostarine are at present not fully understood. 


The recommended moderate cycle of MK-2866 for men lasts for 8 to 12 weeks, in daily dosages of 15-25mg each day. Doses should preferably be taken with meals and 30-45 minutes before workouts. It is worthwhile to note here that, when complemented with a balanced diet and strict training regime, Ostarine is far better than a steroid cycle with testosterone enanthate and Dianabol. It works as an alternative to testosterone for those who want similar results, but without many of the potentially dangerous side effects.

The recommended dose of Ostarine for women is 5-10mg daily (again, preferably after meals and 30-45 minutes before workouts), in a cycle of 6-8 weeks. 


Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Considered a superior option to Ostarine, Ligandrol (also known as Anabolicum and LGD-4033) is a performance-enhancing drug which provides immense muscle gaining properties.

This is evident when comparing the daily dosages of both SARMs that are required to make significant gains. Where an individual would have to use 25-36mg of Ostarine every day, the average daily dosage of Ligandrol is only 3-15mg. 

Users can expect an average of 2lbs of muscle gains per week with LGD-4033. It works faster than other SARMs for bulking, and has the ability to significantly enhance protein synthesis. It also demonstrates efficacy when it comes to improving glycogen storage and flow of blood around the body. 

Glycogen is a compound which is stored mainly in the liver, and contributes to the body’s overall glucose level in the blood (blood sugar). A healthy blood sugar is not only vital in maintaining safe production of insulin, but also has an effect on energy levels. 

Endurance athletes can often experience glycogen depletion (also known as “hitting the wall”) if they do not take in an adequate amount of carbohydrates. Carbs in some form are necessary if you’re doing any kind of cardio exercise, but if you’re looking to reduce your carbohydrate intake slightly, be sure to make up for the loss in other ways. 

If you’re thinking about your options when it comes to SARMs, it may be worth considering aspects like your glycogen storage - to prevent yourself from “hitting the wall” - as well as the more obvious body fat-shedding properties. 


As mentioned before, note that the recommended dosage of Anabolicum is much higher than that of other popular SARMs. Men should not exceed 5-10mg per day in a cycle of 8-12 weeks, and women are recommended no more than 2.5-5mg daily in a 6-8 week cycle. Dosages should always be taken after meals and, for best results, 30-40 minutes before working out. 

Users report significant results when stacking LGD-4033 with MK-677 and Testolone in a bulking cycle for experiencing synergistic effects. Many can expect an improved sense of wellbeing, faster recovery, and enhanced sleep quality, while experiencing solid muscle mass gains and muscle definition. 

One of the greatest advantages of Anabolicum during the bulking phase is that it allows users to recover faster, both physically and psychologically, in a larger sense after undergoing strength training or intense workouts. Not only this, but LGD-4033 is also useful in prolonging the durations of workouts and cardio sessions. This allows users to challenge the agility and strength of their muscles. 


MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

MK-677 (also known as Nutrobal and Ibutamoren) is one of the most popular bulking drugs. This SARM is extremely effective in boosting the secretion of growth hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) levels.

Nutrobal is ideal for bulking cycles, due to its unique ability to stimulate a ravenous appetite and regulate the distribution of energy in the body. In addition to these distinctive traits, Nutrobal also demonstrates effectiveness when it comes to body strength and muscle size. At the same time, it dramatically minimises body fat - known as “shredding”. 

In a double-blind, randomised controlled trial, MK-677 was given as a treatment to 24 obese men over a period of two months. By the end of the period, the participants displayed more lean muscle mass. They also showed an increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR). 

This is the amount of calories needed to sustain your body at a base functioning level. It differs from caloric needs in that it does not consider everyday activities like walking, talking, and exercising - it is just the level your body needs to survive with no additional factors. 

Being aware of your basal metabolic rate can contribute greatly to weight loss and muscle bulking; using factors like BMI alone is unlikely to provide accurate fitness goals, since it fails to take body fat percentage or activity levels into account. Adjusting your BMR, as with any fitness process, is difficult but not impossible.

Depending on your fitness needs and medical requirements, increasing the BMR may or may not be ideal for you. If you’re curious about using SARMs to aid this, make sure you’re following a healthy lifestyle in all other areas. 

As ever, good sleep, hydration, and a balanced diet will keep your body at the healthiest base level possible. Opt for high-intensity and cardio exercise over other forms, and ensure you’re getting plenty of protein. Chances are, if you’re bulking, you already have this in mind! 

The recommended dose of Nutrobal for men is 15-25mg every day, in a cycle of 8-14 weeks. For women, it’s 5-15mg every day, in a cycle of 6-8 weeks. As with other SARMs, dosages should be taken preferably after meals and 30-45 minutes before workouts. 


Examples: SARMs Cycles for Bulking

Now that we have read about some of the most powerful SARMs for bulking, let us shift our focus to some SARMs bulking cycles, with examples both for beginners and advanced users. 

Planning your own SARMs cycle for bulking can be daunting, and it’s vital that it’s done right. Under-dosing could be ineffective and slow down your fitness goals; whereas doses over the recommended amount have the potential to be highly dangerous. 

It’s also worth noting that you should follow appropriate Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) in order to allow your body to recover after a cycle. As a general rule, you should allow your body to rest free of SARMs for the same duration that you complete a cycle and the PCT at a minimum. This is called “bridging”, as it forms a bridge between the two stages of supplement use. 

So, for example, a 14-week cycle plus 6 weeks of post-cycle therapy equates to 20 weeks; in this case, you should wait 20 further weeks before recommencing your SARMs regime. Take a look at our blog post on Bridging with SARMs for more advice. 

Below are two charts for male beginners and advanced male users, showing examples of a SARMs bulking stack:


SARMs Bulking Stack for Beginners (Males)




PCT Support

Cycle Support


5mg a day

12.5mg a day




10mg a day

25mg a day




10mg a day

25mg a day


3 capsules every day


10mg a day

25mg a day


3 capsules every day


10mg a day

25mg a day


3 capsules every day


15mg a day

32.5mg a day


3 capsules every day




3 capsules every day





3 capsules every day





3 capsules every day





3 capsules every day



SARMs Bulking Stack for Advanced Users (Males)




PCT Support

Cycle Support




5mg every day

25mg every day



10mg every day

5mg every day


10mg every day

25mg every day



10mg every day

10mg every day


10mg every day

25mg every day



20mg every day

10mg every day


10mg every day

25mg every day



20mg every day

10mg every day


10mg every day

25mg every day



20mg every day

10mg every day


10mg every day

25mg every day


3 capsules every day

20mg every day

10mg every day


15mg every day

25mg every day


3 capsules every day

40mg every day

20mg every day


15mg every day

25mg every day


3 capsules every day

40mg every day

20mg every day


15mg every day

25mg every day


3 capsules every day

40mg every day

20mg every day




3 capsules every day







3 capsules every day







3 capsules every day







3 capsules every day





Do Your Research

Remember, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators are potent drugs. You should always use them responsibly and explicitly within the medical guidelines where you live. Even in these situations, it is important to stay well-informed and only receive supplements from a reputable source. 

Trust the top-rated SARMs UK Store if you’re looking to buy  the best SARMs for bulking in line with your local laws.